021 -2216 3350

No.1078-00 Digital Thermohygrometer PC-7980GTI

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JAN code : 4974425100835

Calibration : Available

JCSS Accredited Calibration : Available

This thermohygrometer displays estimated WBGT index and absolute humidity (influenza index) as a bar in addition to temperature

and humidity to help you maintain the comfort ambient air. Alarm for WBGT is equipped.

    • Instruction manual


■ Displayed content:

■ Heat stress checker

Displays WBGT as a cautious level of five steps.

WBGT Type of risks in relation to physical activity Remarks
Danger 31°C or higher Risk during any physical activity Risk of occurrence is high for the elderly, even when they rest. Avoid going out and stay in a cool room.
Severe warning 28 to 31°C Avoid direct sunlight outdoors and watch for any rise in room temperature indoors.
Warning 25 to 28°C Risk during moderate to vigorous physical activity Take adequate rest regularly when exercising or doing vigorous work.
Caution 21 to 25°C Risk during very vigorous physical activity Low in risk basically, but high in risk when doing vigorous exercise or heavy labor.
Safe 21°C or lower Safe

WBGT is...

an acronym of wet bulb globe temperature, which is an index introduced from three elements related to biological heat balance: temperature, humidity, and heat radiation.

PC-7980TRH calculates WBGT from temperature and humidity based on a guideline by Japanese Society of Biometeorology.

■ Influenza checker

Displays absolute humidity as a cautious level of three steps.

Absolute humidity Environment for viruses Countermeasures
Warning 7g/m3or less Suitable for viruses. High risk of infection. Increase temperature and humidity by using a humidifier
Caution 8 to 11 g/m3 Viruses can survive. Be cautious of infection. Avoid a decrease in temperature and humidity.
Safe 12 g/m3 or more Viruses cannot survive. Keep the temperature and humidity at a reasonable level.

Absolute humidity is...

mass of water vapor contained in a unit volume of air, which can be used as a barometer of the probability of epidemics of seasonal influenza according

to a report of "Absolute humidity as a deterministic factor affecting seasonal influenza epidemics in Japan", Makoto Shoji et al., 2011.

■ Temperature, humidity, and their maximum and minimum

Pressing "max" or "min" button switches the display from current temperature/humidity to today's maximum/minimum and yesterday's maximum/minimum.

Current temperature/humidity Max. temperature/humidity (today or yesterday) Min. temperature/humidity (today or yesterday)
Example: Example: today's max. temperature/humidity Example: yesterday's min. temperature/humidity

At 0:00 midnight today's data of maximum and minimum changes to yesterday's data, and the previous yesterday's data is erased automatically.

■ Clock, WBGT, absolute humidity

Pressing "mode" button switches the display from clock to WBGT and absolute humidity.

Clock WBGT Absolute humidity
12/24-hr system switchabe Unit: °C Unit: g/m3

■ Alarm clock

Can be used as an alarm clock to ring at the set time every day.

■ WBGT alert

A buzzer sounds when the WBGT exceeds the set level.


■ Caution

- Each value of a guide to a comfortable environment is a rough estimation to help you consider your health management.

It does not directly protect you from heat stroke or influenza.

- Indicated alerts may vary from an official alert from a government.

■ Batteries included initially are for test use and may last shorter than their expected life.


Cat. No. 1076-00
Product name Digital Thermohygrometer
Model name PC-7980GTI
Measuring range Temperature −9.9 to 50.0°C
Humidity 20 to 90%rh
Accuracy Temperature ±1.0°C (10 to 40°C)
±1.5°C (other)
Humidity ±5%rh (40 to 70%rh, 20 to 30°C)
±8%rh (other)
Resolution Temperature 0.1°C
Humidity 1%rh
Sampling time 20 seconds
Detectors Temperature Thermistor
Humidity Resistive polymeric humidity sensor
Heat stress checker WBGT (heat stress index) calculated and shown in 5 steps
Seasonal influenza checker Absolute humidity (seasonal influenza index) calculated and shown in 3 steps
Alarm volume 75 dB
Operation ambient −9.9 to 50.0°C, less than 90%rh without condensing or freezing
Materials ABS resin, acrylic glass
Dimensions 100 (W) x 120 (H) x 17 (D) mm
Weight 143 g including batteries
Power AAA battery x2
Battery life Approx. 1 year (20°C, 50%rh)
Standard accessories AAA battery x2, instruction manual
Lot size 12 per box, 6 boxes per carton

PT Bopana Arga Prima Jaya
Jalan Jupiter VI Perum Bintang Metropol
Blok A7 No.16 Bekasi Utara 17122
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp : 021-22163350
Hp : 08119762505 / 081285345374
Email : boney@bapj.co.id / tesa@bapj.co.id

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                                                                                      PT. Bopana Arga Prima Jaya


Jl. Jupiter VI, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7 No.16 Bekasi Utara 17122 , Bekasi
Bekasi , Indonesia

021 -2216 3350
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