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No.1051-00 Digital Thermohygrometer with Guide for Comfortable Environment PC-5500TRH

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JAN code : 4974425100170

Calibration : Available

JCSS Accredited Calibration : Available

This thermohygrometer shows WBGT index (heat stress index) or absolute humidity, and a difference between the measured and recommended values. It helps you create a comfortable environment.


■ Displays a difference between the measured and recommended values of temperature or humidity.

■ In influenza mode, it displays absolute humidity as a measure to prevent seasonal influenza.

■ In heat stress mode, it displays WBGT index (heat stress index) as a measure to prevent heat stroke.

■ Sliding a mode switch changes the mode to heat stress mode or influenza mode.

■ Equipped with LED light and buzzer alerts

■ Use a hook for wall mount, a stand for desktop

■ Influenza mode

In this mode, absolute humidity as a guideline for prevention of seasonal influenza and the difference between the relative humidity of the comfortable environment and the current one are shown.

The difference indicates how many percents (%rh) the humidity needs to be increased.

One of four colored icons is displayed based on absolute humidity.

* Comfortable humidity is set as 10 g/m3 regardless of temperature. Note that this threshold is not in a complete safe status but a cautious status.* Humidification may induce condensation or occurrence of molds. Consider stopping the humidification in such case.

* The difference is displayed as 0%rh if the absolute humidity is 10 g/m3 or more.

■ Heat stress mode

In this mode, WBGT index as a guideline for prevention of heat stroke and the difference between the temperature of the comfortable environment and the current one are shown.

The difference indicates how many degrees (°C) the temperature needs to be lowered.

One of four colored icons is displayed based on WBGT index.

* Comfortable WBGT index is set as 27°C regardless of humidity. Note that this threshold is not in a complete safe status but a cautious status.

* Heat stroke may occur even in a safer status if you exercise heavily.

* The difference is displayed as 0°C if the WBGT index is 27°C or less.


■ Caution

Each value of a guide to a comfortable environment is a rough estimation to help you consider your health management.

Indicated alerts may vary from an official alert from a government.

■ What is absolute humidity?

Absolute humidity is one of the units for measuring humidity, which is defined as mass of water vapor contained in a unit volume of air.

According to a report by Dr. Makoto Shoji, absolute humidity strongly correlates with seasonal influenza and the epidemic begins when the absolute humidity is below 10 g/m3.

PC-5500TRH helps your effort to prevent influenza.

Absolute humidity Air dryness and the risk of the seasonal influenza epidemics
7 g/m3 and under Extremely dry. The risk is at highest.
8–11 g/m3 Dry. The risk is high.
12–16 g/m3 Wet. The risk is low.
17 g/m3 and up Extremely wet. The risk is at lowest.

Cited from "Absolute humidity as a deterministic factor affecting seasonal influenza epidemics in Japan", Makoto Shoji et al., 2011

■ What is WBGT index?

WBGT, stands for wet bulb globe temperature, is an index introduced from three elements related to biological heat balance: temperature, humidity

, and heat radiation. It is usually calculated from dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, and black globe temperature, which requires professional techniques and devices with a limitation to install them.

PC-5500TRH easily calculates WBGT from temperature and humidity based on a guideline by Japanese Society of Biometeorology.

Make use of this device with WBGT to prevent heat stroke.

WBGT Type of risks in relation to physical activity Remarks
(31°C or higher)
Risk during any physical activity Risk of occurrence is high for the elderly, even when they rest. Avoid going out and stay in a cool room.
Severe warning
(28 to 31°C)
Avoid direct sunlight outdoors and watch for any rise in room temperature indoors.
(25 to 28°C)
Risk during moderate to vigorous physical activity Take adequate rest regularly when exercising or doing vigorous work.
(25°C or lower)
Risk during very vigorous physical activity Low in risk basically, but high in risk when doing vigorous exercise or heavy labor.

Cited from "Heat Stress Prevention Guidelines for Daily Life", Japanese Society of Biometeorology, 2013


Cat. No. 1051-00
Product name Digital Thermohygrometer with Guide for Comfortable Environment
Model name PC-5500TRH
Measuring range Temperature: 0.0 to 50.0°C
Humidity: 10.0 to 95.0%rh
Absolute humidity: 1 to 65 g/m3 (calculated value)
WBGT index: 0 to 50°C (calculated value)
Temperature ±1.0°C (10 to 40°C)
±1.5°C (other)
Humidity ±5%rh (40.0 to 70.0%rh, 20 to 30°C)
±8%rh (other)
Resolution Temperature: 0.1°C
Humidity: 0.1%rh
Absolute humidity: 1 g/m3
WBGT index: 1°C
Operation ambient 0 to 50°C, less than 95%rh without condensing or freezing
Sampling time 30 sec.
Detector Temperature: Thermistor
Humidity: Resistive humidity sensor
Alarm volume 65 dB
Material ABS resin, acrylic glass
Dimensions 120 (W) x 170 (H) x 25 (D) mm
Weight 280 g including batteries
Power AA battery x3
Battery life Approx. 1 year with AA alkaline batteries if a buzzer beeps once a day
Standard accessories AA zinc-carbon battery x3, instruction manual
Lot size 10 per box, 4 boxes per carton

PT Bopana Arga Prima Jaya
Jalan Jupiter VI Perum Bintang Metropol
Blok A7 No.16 Bekasi Utara 17122
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp : 021-22163350
Hp : 08119762505 / 081285345374
Email : boney@bapj.co.id / tesa@bapj.co.id

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Jl. Jupiter VI, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7 No.16 Bekasi Utara 17122 , Bekasi
Bekasi , Indonesia

021 -2216 3350
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