Made from ¼-inch 100% cotton sash cord, oil thief ropes come complete with a trigger snap hook on one end for quick connection. Marked and unmarked ropes are available. Marked ropes are indicated at two-foot intervals with brass ferrules so thief depth can easily be discerned. Both styles of rope are available in standard lengths of 25ft, 33ft, 50ft, 66ft, 75ft, and 100ft. Add a dash “-“ and rope length in feet to end of part number to specify length (example: The part number for a 25-foot unmarked rope is 110B016-25).
Details & Specs
Jl. Jupiter VI, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7 No.16, RT.004/RW.013, Perwira, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17122
Phone :+62 -21-2216-3350 & +62-21- 292531-86
Whatsapp : +62 812-8202-721 & +62 811-1871-501
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