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AEMC Megohmmeter Model 1060

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Megohmmeter Model 1060
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Megohmmeter Model 1060

The Digital/Analog Megohmmeter Model 1060 is a fully automated 1000V insulation tester. It provides insulation measurements to 4000GΩ (4TΩ). Test results include DAR, PI, capacitance, voltage measurement and duration of test.
The True Megohmmeter® Model 1060 has an RS-232 interface and an extensive memory function, which permits storage results in files specific to a sample. A standard software package (DataView®) included with the Model 1060 enables the user to display test results and graphs. The Model 1060 can also be fully programmed and controlled by a PC. Automatic report generation of test results is quick and easy via direct connection to a printer or through a PC.


AC/DC Voltage Measurement
Range 1 to 1000V
Accuracy ±(1% R + 3V)
Resolution 1 to 99.9V: 0.1V
100 to 1000V: 1V
Frequency Range DC and 16 to 65Hz
Input Impedance 750kΩ approx
Insulation Measurement
Test Voltage / Resistance Range 50V: 2kΩ to 200GΩ
100V: 4kΩ to 400GΩ
250V: 10kΩ to 1TΩ
500V: 20kΩ to 2TΩ
1000V: 40kΩ to 4TΩ
Measurement Accuracy 2kΩ to 39.99GΩ: ±(5% R + 3ct)
40.0GΩ 4TΩ: ±(15% R + 10ct)
Auto Discharge Discharge time < 2s/µF from Vtest to 25V
Live Circuit Indicator Inhibit test if terminal voltage > 25V prior to initialization of test
Resistance Measurement
Range 0.01Ω to 399.9kΩ
Accuracy ± (3% R + 3ct)
Open Circuit Voltage Approximately 12.4V DC
Short Circuit Current <6mA DC
Continuity Measurement
Range 0.01 to 39.99Ω
Accuracy ± (3% R + 4ct) with lead compensation
Open Circuit Voltage 12.4V DC
Short Circuit Current ≥ 200mA DC from 0.01 to 20.00Ω
General Features
Programmable Alarm Yes
DAR – PI Yes
Ramp Mode No
Step Mode No
Capacitance Measurement 0.05nf to 4.999µf, Accuracy: ± (10% R + 1ct)
Memory 128kB Memory / Stores over 1500 test results
Communication Serial port RS-232 with USB adapter (included)
Software DataView Software (included)
Power Supply Rechargeable NIMH battery pack; external 85-256V, 50/60Hz
Battery Life ≥ 5000 IR tests at 1000V into 1MΩ with a duty cycle of 5s on and 20s off; ≥ 4000 R tests of 1Ω with a duty cycle of 5s on and 20s off
Charging Time 4.5 hours approximately
Dimensions 9.45 x 7.28 x 4.33” (240 x 185 x 110mm)
Weight 7.5 lbs (3.4kg)
Altitude Operating 2000m
Operating Temperature 14° to +131°F (-10° to +55°C) ≤80% RH
Storage Temperature -40° to +158°F (-40° to +70°C) ≤90% RH
IP Rating IP 54
Safety Compliance EN 61010-1, EN 61557, 600V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2, CE


Jl. Jupiter VI, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7 No.16, RT.004/RW.013, Perwira, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17122

Phone                  :+62 -21-2216-3350  & +62-21- 292531-86

Whatsapp          : +62 812-8202-721 & +62 811-1871-501

Email                   : info@bapj.co.id || bopana.argaprima@gmail.com

Website              : www.bapj.co.id

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                                                                                      PT. Bopana Arga Prima Jaya


Jl. Jupiter VI, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7 No.16 Bekasi Utara 17122 , Bekasi
Bekasi , Indonesia

021 -2216 3350
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