Advanced Conductivity Benchtop Meter - HI6321
HI6321 is a streamlined Conductivity/Resistivity/TDS/Salinity/Temperature benchtop meter with a large touch screen display, comprised of a housing and an integrated conductivity measurement module.
HI6321 is a streamlined Conductivity/Resistivity/TDS/Salinity/Temperature benchtop meter with a large touch screen display, comprised of a housing and an integrated conductivity measurement module.
Compact and easy to operate, the HI6321 includes Hanna’s HI7631233 four-ring conductivity/ resistivity/TDS/salinity probe.
Recommended for a wide range of industrial process water applications, HI7631233 provides stable measurements over a wide measurement range and does not require frequent calibrations. An integral temperature sensor measures the process temperature and adjusts the measured conductivity to a reference temperature by applying specialized compensation algorithms:
The result is reliable electrolytic conductivity (EC), TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), resistivity, or Seawater Salinity in percent, psu, or ppt units.
TDS is a calculated value based on the conductivity of the solution (TDS = factor x EC25). A TDS factor is a conversion factor used to change an EC measurement to a ppm measurement.
Sal psu: The practical salinity of seawater relates the ratio of electrical conductivity of a normal seawater sample at 15 °C and 1 atmosphere to a potassium chloride solution (KCl) with a mass of 32.4356 g/Kg water at the same temperature and pressure. Under these conditions the ratio is equal to 1 and S=35. The practical salinity scale may be applied to values 0 through 42.00 psu at temperatures between 0 to 35 °C.
Sal ppt: measurements expressed in ppt are based on the Natural Seawater Scale that extends from 0.00 to 80.00 g/L and covers 10 to 31 °C temperature range. It determines the salinity based upon a conductivity ratio of sample to standard seawater at 15 °C and an approximate salinity value of 35 in seawater.
Sal %: in this scale 100% salinity is equivalent to roughly 10% solids.
Jl. Jupiter VI, Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A7 No.16, RT.004/RW.013, Perwira, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17122
Phone :+62 -21-2216-3350 & +62-21- 292531-86
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