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PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

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PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
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PinAAcle 900F Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

For laboratories needing a high-performance flame atomic absorption (AA) spectrometer, the PinAAcle 900F is a flame-only system with a true double-beam design for fast start-up and exceptional long-term stability.

Part Number PINAACLE900F


It features cutting-edge fiber optics to maximize light throughput for improved detection limits, as well as an eight-lamp mount, and automated flame and burner assembly optimization for enhanced productivity.

The PinAAcle 900F is controlled by the new Syngistix™ for AA Software, a workflow-based software designed to speed and simplify the journey from sample to results across a wide range of atomic absorption techniques.


21 CFR Part 11 Compatible Yes
Height 64.0 cm
Model Name PinAAcle 900F
Portable No
Product Brand Name PinAAcle
Warranty 1 Year
Weight 94.0 kg
Width 95.0 cm

Application Note

Analysis of Micronutrients in Fruit Juice Using FAST Flame Sample Automation for Increased Sample Throughput 

Consumers select fruit juice because it is a tasty, convenient beverage and generally understood to be a more nutritious alternative to carbonated beverages. For 100% juice products, the nutrition content of the original fruit itself is well known, which translates to the expected nutritional value of the final juice product. Detailed labeling is required on food products; for consumers, any comparative variance can be a strong incentive to choose one product over another. In an effort to appeal to consumers and address market needs, many juice products may also be fortified with micronutrients to boost or add to what is already present naturally.

While ICP-OES is generally favored as a multi-element analytical method, the cost savings, simplicity and speed of operation of flame atomic absorption (AA) provides an attractive alternative. This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle 900 AA with a FAST Flame sample automation accessory to rapidly and accurately measure nutritional elements in fruit juices.


Analysis of Micronutrients in Milk by Flame Atomic Absorption Using FAST Flame Sample Automation for Increased Sample Throughput 

Milk is an important source of nutrients, mainly for children. Because of its importance, milk is available in several different forms, most commonly as fresh, but it is also available in nonperishable forms (such as powdered and evaporated). Therefore, the requirement exists to analyze several forms of milk for nutritional elements. While ICP-OES is generally favored in a multi-element analytical environment, the cost savings, simplicity and speed of operation of a flame atomic absorption (AA) system provide an attractive alternative. Measuring multiple elements by flame AA requires each sample to be analyzed individually for each element, which impacts the speed advantage of flame AA – however, to address the speed issue, a fast, high-throughput sample automation system can be used.

This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle 900 AA spectrometer to reliably and effectively analyze common nutritional elements in a variety of milks over a wide range of concentrations. Coupling the PinAAcle 900 with the FAST Flame 2 sample automation accessory minimizes user error when performing dilutions and making calibration standards increases throughput and provides excellent long-term stability, increasing productivity for the laboratory.


Analysis of Vanadium, Nickel, Sodium and Iron in Fuel Oils using Flame Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometryElemental analysis of fuel oil is an important step in quantifying its quality. While ICP-OES and ICP-MS instrumentation may receive more attention when it comes to metals analyses, FAAS is a viable option particularly in the petroleum industry.

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Determination of As, Se and Hg in Waters by Hydride Generation/Cold Vapor Absorption SpectroscopyContamination of industrial and municipal water supplies with arsenic (As), selenium (Se), and mercury (Hg) can occur from natural deposits, industrial discharge, runoff from mining, landfill and agricultural operations.

Elemental Analysis of Beer by Flame Atomic Absorption with the PinAAcle 900This work demonstrates the ability to measure several elements in beer with Flame atomic absorption using the PinAAcle 900. No significant differences were observed between beers in glass bottles or metal cans.

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Micronutrients in Fortified Breakfast Cereal by Flame AA Using Microwave Digestion and FAST Flame Automation 

Fortified breakfast cereals are an important source of nutrition for children, and consumers have come to expect high quality from a variety of cereals and continue to select fortified products over non-fortified products in the marketplace. The efficient production of these nutritionally fortified breakfast cereals requires careful formulation and uniformity batch to batch. Ongoing analytical measurement of nutritional additives and the total micronutrient content in the cereal is one way in which food producers can quantify the quality and consistency of their cereal products.

While ICP-OES is generally favored as a multi-element analytical method, the cost savings, simplicity and speed of operation of flame atomic absorption (AA) provides an attractive alternative. This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle 900 AA with a FAST Flame sample automation accessory to rapidly and accurately measure nutritional elements in a variety of fortified breakfast cereals.


Micronutrients in Fresh and Dried Fruits by Flame AA Using Microwave Digestion and FAST Flame Automation 

With an increased focus on healthy living and the consumption of healthy foods, interest in the nutritional quality of the fruit we consume has become more important. When fresh fruit is not available, dried fruit is often substituted, and manufacturers and customers would like to know that the dried fruit has not lost some nutritional value during processing. One way of monitoring the quality of fresh or dried fruit is by measuring the micronutrient concentration contained within. Micronutrients are represented by trace elements considered to be nutritionally valuable, and it is these elements that can be analyzed via various inorganic analytical methods.

While ICP-OES is generally favored as a multi-element analytical method, the cost savings, simplicity and speed of operation of flame atomic absorption (AA) provides an attractive alternative. This work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle 900 AA spectrometer coupled to a FAST Flame sample automation accessory to analyze common nutritional elements in a variety of fresh and dried fruit.


Quantification of Essential Metals in Spice Mixtures for Regulatory Compliance Using Flame Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometryThere is an increasing need to monitor the essential element levels in food samples at ever decreasing concentrations. For this purpose, very sensitive, yet rapid and inexpensive methods are necessary. The quantification of trace metals in food samples has routinely been carried out by ICP-OES, ICP-MS, graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAA) and flame atomic absorption (FAA). Compared with other techniques, FAA has the characteristics of good precision and simplicity with lower cost and minimum operator proficiency.

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The Analysis of Copper, Iron, and Manganese in Wine with FAST Flame Atomic AbsorptionThis work demonstrates the ability of the PinAAcle 900 flame AA spectrometer to measure Cu, Fe, and Mn in wines to comply with Chinese wine import regulations coupled with FAST Flame sample automation for increased throughput.

PDF 747 KB
The Analysis of Major Elements in Drinking Water Using FAST Flame Sample Automation for Increased Sample ThroughputThis work demonstrates the analysis of mineral elements in a variety of drinking waters using the PinAAcle 900 AA spectrometer coupled with a FAST Flame accessory.

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The Determination of Minerals and Metals in Multi-Mineral/Multi-Vitamin Tablets by Flame Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyThere are many mineral dietary supplements available in today's marketplace to ensure that mineral deficiencies do not occur in one's diet. The mineral content of these products must be verified for quality control purposes.

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Comprehensive Testing Solutions for Feed Millers 

Feed milling today is a complex business, and agribusinesses both large and small need to balance the nutritional and safety needs of livestock with availability of raw ingredients and their seasonality and variability. Add to that the valuable supplementation and medication that millers supply, and it’s clear: you’re creating a complete nutritional delivery system, not just a simple mix of grains.


Grain Testing Solutions Brochure 

The grain industry is very complex. It’s global, diverse, and can also present analytical challenges. Today’s grain users demand more when it comes to quality, safety, and uniformity. In addition, they seek diverse products with unique characteristics.

PerkinElmer is equipped to help the grain industry in its quest to feed the world – nutritiously and economically. Our testing and analysis solutions encompass the three primary areas required for complete knowledge of grains and their derivatives – composition, functionality, and safety.


Meat and Seafood Testing Solutions 

Food testing labs like yours are constantly challenged with accurately analyzing samples quickly and efficiently - all while striving to reduce costs due to market forces. Your commitment to ensuring meat and seafood are safe for consumption, as demand increases, is an uphill battle.

Our commitment to you: to provide a range of solutions across multiple technologies, products, and services that meets or exceeds the testing needs of food processors. Our solutions offer more efficiency and increased accuracy and sensitivity for better yields in real time with minimal training.

From instrumentation and software to consumables and reagents to service and support, we are dedicated to providing you with end-to-end solutions that ease your everyday challenges of automation, throughput, service, and time to results.


PinAAcle 900 Series AA Spectrometers Brochure 

The PinAAcle series of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers brings AA performance to new heights. Engineered with an array of exciting technological advances, it offers a variety of configurations and capabilities to deliver exactly the level of performance you need:

  • Flame only, furnace only, or space-saving stacked designs featuring both
  • Flame, furnace, flow injection, FIAS-furnace and mercury/hydride capabilities on a single instrument
  • Choice of Deuterium or longitudinal Zeeman background correction
  • TubeView color furnace camera simplifies autosampler tip alignment and sample dispensing
  • Syngistix for AA, a workflow-based software designed to speed and simplify the journey from sample to results

And no matter which model you select (900F, 900Z, 900H, 900T), you’ll discover an intuitive, highly efficient system capable of simplifying your journey from sample to results—even with the most difficult matrices. Experience peak performance and unmatched productivity. Step up to the PinAAcle series from PerkinElmer.

Download the brochure to learn more.


Refinery and Natural Gas AnalysisOil refineries and natural gas producers around the world require their lab operations to perform large numbers of analyses before their products are used in industries and by consumers. Detection of even the slightest impurities, accurate process control and hydrocarbon distribution analysis is critical to the success of these operations.That’s how PerkinElmer can help. As a global scientific leader and solutions provider to refining and natural gas labs, PerkinElmer's proven technology and experience meets the ever-changing needs of the oil and gas industry. PerkinElmer is committed to the success of your oil and gas sample analysis by providing the instrumentation, software, consumables, and services you need for fast, easy and precise testing. The result: better control of your operations and improved product quality.



Atomic Spectroscopy 2018-2019 Consumables & Supplies CatalogWith instruments that are the industry standard worldwide, PerkinElmer accessories, consumables, methods and application support meet the most demanding requirements and are the preferred choice in thousands of laboratories globally.


Data Sheet

PininAAcle™ 900 Flame AA Sell SheetAll of the PerkinElmer consumables and supplies needed for your PerkinElmer PinAAcle 900 Flame

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5 Tips to Improving Your Sample DigestionSample preparation is one of the most critical steps in your analytical process. Often accounting for 60% of your analytical timetable, it has a fundamental impact on laboratory throughput and analytical performance. Any errors within the sample preparation process will undermine the quality of your food data at all subsequent stages of your analysis. Here are five tips to improving your sample digestion for food samples.

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High Quality and Performance in Atomic Absorption Grain Testing Ensemble Flyer 

Consumers are exposed to low levels of heavy metals on a daily basis and long term exposure can have negative health impacts. Since the elements themselves are distributed unevenly throughout, for example, cereal grain, with the germ and the outer layers having the highest concentrations, analyzing these grains to detect low analyte levels with accuracy and controlled reproducibility is a challenge.

The atomic absorption analysis technique provides a high performance option with features like a closed-furnace design that is sealed at both ends with easily removable bayonet-mount windows. In addition, independently controlled external and internal gas streams provide maximum flexibility, tube life, and sensitivity.

Systems like the PinAAcle 900 AA spectrometer make it faster and easier to get from sample to results by reducing your grain method development time, while PerkinElmer consumables and superior services will keep your lab at peak performance.




Atomic Spectroscopy, A Guide to Selecting the Appropriate Technique and System 

Atomic spectroscopy is a family of techniques for determining the elemental composition of an analyte by its electromagnetic or mass spectrum. Several analytical techniques are available:

  • Atomic absorption (AA): flame and graphite furnace
  • Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
  • Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

And selecting the most appropriate one is the key to achieving accurate, reliable, real-world results.

This guide provides a basic overview of the most commonly used techniques and the information necessary to help you select the one that best suits your specific needs and applications.


PinAAcle 500/900 AA Spectrometers - Preparing Your LabThis document provides detailed instructions regarding the space, accessories and utilities required to operate PerkinElmer’s PinAAcle family of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers (500 and 900 series) and other major AA accessories.

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Product Note

Syngistix for AA Express Software - Only Three Steps to Reliable ResultsPerkinElmer’s Syngistix for AA Express software for the PinAAcle 900H AA spectrometer reduces complexity and speeds analysis time for an unmatched user experience.


Regulatory Compliance Certification

Product Certificate - PinAAcle 900Product Certificate for the PinAAcle 900

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Technical Note

Analytical Quality with Genuine PerkinElmer Graphite PartsThe production of high-quality graphite components for atomic absorption spectroscopy requires stringent quality control. To ensure high quality and consistency, a specific high-density base graphite material has been developed for use with PerkinElmer graphite furnace systems.

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Bekasi , Indonesia

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